2013 BBW Sponsorship
Want to be a sponsor of the 5th Annual Baltimore Beer Week? Sign Up Now! Sponsorship Opportunities are NOW OPEN!
Mick T Pirate Celebration
Mick's dream was to provide a college education for his beloved daughter Matoaka, who just completed her freshman year. In honor of Mick, please make a donation to Matoaka's college fund.
2013 BBW Opening Tap Celebration
Join Baltimore’s beer aficionados for the 2013 BBW Opening Tap Celebration prior to the Das Best Oktoberfest event at M&T; Bank Stadium Saturday, October 19th, 2013 Noon to 2:00pm
Das Best Oktoberfest
Maryland Brewer’s Oktoberfest is moving downtown this year!!! That means MORE Beers – locals plus your favorite American beers and best of all – INTERNATIONAL Beers, Wine and Schnapps.
Join us Saturday October 19th, 2013
Kegs and Corks Beer and Wine Festival
Join Baltimore Beer Week in supporting the Kegs and Corks Beer and Wine Festival on August 24th at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, in Crownsville, MD. Tickets can be purchase via the link below:
Why We Love Beer in Baltimore
This video was shot and put together after our inaugural opening tap in 2009. It does a great job of expressing the love and passion for beer here in Baltimore.
Baltimore Beer Week 2013 - Cheers to Five Great Years
Join Our Mailing List
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This year marks the 5th Anniversary of Baltimore Beer Week! We are thrilled to be celebrating this special occasion this year and would like to use it as an opportunity to thank all of our amazing sponsors. Without each and every one of you, we could have never made it this far.
In this year's design, you will notice that we are honoring all 53 sponsors who have been with us since the beginning. We have some really great things planned for this year and look forward to sharing updates with you as they develop.
In the meantime, welcome to Baltimore Beer Week 2013!
The Baltimore Beer Week Organizing Committee
News Updates
Craft Brewing Hits Hollywood With “Drinking Buddies”
If you need proof that craft brewing has entered mainstream American consciousness, here it is. Drinking Buddies is a romantic comedy about Kate (Olivia Wilde, Tron), Chris (Ron Livingston, Office Space), Luke (Jake Johnson, New Girl) and Jill (Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air). Two of the four twentysomethings work at a craft brewery, which ends up being the fifth star of the film. Read more.
Maryland Ranks 47th in U.S. for Beer Consumption - How Are We ONLY 47th??
Maryland might ship a lot of suds, but Marylanders don’t drink much beer compared to residents in other states.The state saw no change in its beer consumption or shipments from 2011 to 2012, according to the Beer Institute’s annual analysis of state-by-state beer consumption and shipment data.Read more.
Opinion: A beer garden isn’t a bad thing for Federal Hill
Baltimore needs a German beer hall. And unfortunately it looks like a well-organized neighborhood protest in Federal Hill just nixed the city’s chance to get one. The city’s Board of Liquor License Commissioners on Thursday denied the transfer and expansion of a Class BD7 tavern license for Crossbar der Biergarten, a proposed German-style beer garden and restaurant amid overwhelming protests. Read more.
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