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Baltimore Beer History

Baltimore is rich with all kinds of history- art, entrepreneurism, war... and beer.

This page of the Baltimore Beer Week website will chronicle the history of beer in Baltimore, and will be a perpetual work in progress. If you have content to contribute to the Baltimore Beer History page, please send it to [email protected] along with your full contact information.

Begin learning about Baltimore Beer History:

The Star Spangled Banger

This article details the backstory of the official Baltimore Beer Week mallet dubbed The Star Spangled Banger. Hand-crafted with rare and historic Wye Oak wood, our iconic mallet pays tribute to both the art of brewing and our rich history here in Baltimore! Look for The Star Spangled Banger at cask tapping events throughout the year!

Is Baltimore a Beer Town?

This fantastic article was written by Thomas Cizauskas in 2003 for Mid-Atlantic Brewing News. It provides a wonderful overview of Baltimore Beer History from the 1960's into the new millenium; with some fantastic context provided by way of interviews with various Baltimore Beer stalwarts.

History of Beer Making in Maryland

This article written by Dr. Stephen Demczuk concisely provides an overview of the Maryland brewing industry from 1704 to present day.


This site provides a general overview of commercial beer production in Baltimore from the 1870's through the 1950's (American, Arrow, Brehms, Gunther, Imperial, National & Pabst). Lots of nice images showcasing the architecture used in these old breweries, as well as imagery of the brands produced in the period.

Handout from Historical Walking Tour

This handout was provided and prepared by Dominic Cantalupo for The Historic Walking Tour attended by over 120 people.

Additional educational & entertaining beer-centric content:

I Am A Craft Brewer

A collaborative video representing the camaraderie, character and integrity of the American Craft Brewing movement. Created by Greg Koch, CEO of the Stone Brewing Co. and Chris & Jared of Redtail Media...and more than 35 amazing craft brewers from all over the country.

I Am a Home Brewer

Inspired by, and in tribute to, the "I am a Craft Brewer" video shown at the 2009 Craft Brewers Conference. This is dedicated to all of the men and women who comprise the American Craft Brewing Movement and to the countless others who comprise the Home Brewing Movement.