Mick Kipp

Baltimore Beer Legend, Mick Kipp


The Baltimore Beer Legend, Mick Kipp graced the Baltimore Stage with his colorful presence since the mid-eighties with his signature hand-made bandannas! Mick’s passions were his daughter Matoka, family, beer and food! His simple ways contributed to his great attitude about life. Mick’s positive influence rubbed off on you effortlessly if you wanted it or not.

Mick loved all things beer, writing and publishing a book “Mick’s Beer Guide” in 1989 long before the craft movement became visible in the US. The book was his pride and joy to educate folks around him about beer. This became his avocation through bartending in various locations in Baltimore.

Mick loved the Baltimore community and was an avid volunteer to help raise funds for many organizations including the St Vincent De Paul which held the Empty Bowls fundraiser annually and the Youth Dreamers. His big heart gave, while most often than not he needed the help more!

A three-time survivor of cancer this led Mick to appreciate life and live on the edge, often riding his bike home from bartending at 4:00 am only to get back on his bike at 8:00 to cycle for his chemo session.

Mick was self-educated and one of the biggest history buffs that I knew said Gwen Kinsella, Mick’s life partner. “My boys had invaluable history lessons from him!” He was so proud of this daughter Matoaka and truly helped shape her to the wonderful young woman that she is today! They traveled the Louis and Clark trail together over a period of 3 summers! Their time together with “Toke” was his most valuable time spent, often driving 7 hours just to have dinner with her.

When it came to Baltimore Beer Week, Mick relished his involvement in this and worked diligently at his treasury role! He loved being involved in Baltimore Beer Week from the beginning, leading the parade and planning the beer dinners at Pickles and being able to take beer and food pairing to unconquered levels! This is where Mick was happiest, being on stage and showcasing his talents of beer and food coupled with his charm and humor!

Baltimore was Mick’s stage, and he performed passionately on it for years!