Explore B'more
Coming from out of town? The links below and to the left will help you plan your visit. Here you will find information on special hotel deals exclusively for Baltimore Beer Week, alternative transportation, and area attractions (for when you're not drinking beer).
Don't forget to browse the B'More Beer History section, to learn about the rich beer history in the Land of Pleasant Living!
For Group Rate mention Baltimore Beer WeekDays Inn Inner Harbor
Special low rates for BBW Attendees available 10/10 – 10/17
100 Hopkins Place
Baltimore, MD 21201 USA
(410) 576-1000
www.daysinnerharbor.comMarriott Courtyard Inner Harbor
Special Baltimore Beer Week Discounts
1000 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
(443) 923-4000
www.marriott.com/bwidtBrookshire Suites
Special Baltimore Beer Week Discounts
120 E Lombard Street
Baltimore MD 21202 USA
(866) 583-4162
MTA Maryland (Bus, Light Rail & Commuter Train)
Traffic.com (Baltimore Area Traffic Report)
Baltimore City Taxi Cabs
Yellow Cab (410) 685-1212
Baltimore Taxi Company (410) 327-7777
Royal Cab (410) 327-0330Anne Arundel County Taxi Cabs
Cab Connection (410) 766-1000Baltimore County Taxi Cabs
County Cab (410) 339-0000
Jimmy’s Cab (410) 296-7200Howard County Taxi Cabs
Columbia Taxi Service (240) 210-6688General tourism information: